Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

Lets collaborate to ensure Fusion Fortress remains friendly allowing everyone to have a great time gaming and chatting here with us all on board to keep the positivity flowing!

These rules are, for all players participating in Fusion Fortress games and services. They outline the expected behavior, within the community. Provide ways to resolve conflicts (though they may not address every situation).

It's usually easy to adhere to these guidelines. Going against them may result in punishments such, as being barred from participating.

Community Rules:
  • Please refrain from disclosing any information that's not already publicly available, under a users username to adhere to our privacy guidelines.
  • At Fusion Fortress we are committed, to standing against all types of prejudice and injustice. There is no room, for hate here.
  • Remember to engage considerately in all interactions. Whether its chatting online or participating in gaming sessions or any other group activities.
  • Avoid pretending to be players or imitating streamers and celebrities while at Fusion Fortress.
  • Be sure to play fairly and honestly. Avoid cheating by collaborating with others and exploiting any game glitches; adhere to the rules to ensure everyone enjoys the experience.
  • In Fusion Fortress we value creating a welcoming atmosphere where the input of each individual is appreciated. Lets work together to establish a community that embraces inclusivity, for everyone.
  • In line, with the guidelines of Fusion Fortress company policy it is essential to keep all content and conversations positive to create a welcoming atmosphere, for all participants involved.
  • Any rule violations are reviewed individually to decide on the most appropriate outcome.
  • If you notice a player violating our Community Guidelines or Content Standards while playing a match kindly make use of the, in game reporting feature to inform us.
  • Make sure to be cautious, in safeguarding your information and using it responsibly.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!